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Learner Description: this activity is designed for high-school students of Economics.


This jigsaw activity is a cooperative learning activity where you will do inquiry on an international trade topic in a group. Each one of you will become an expert on their group's topic. Then you will join together with other students and will teach them your topic and they will teach you theirs. This activity is based on the Elliot Aronson's Jigsaw Classroom model.


First you research the topic assigned to your home group. There will be 4 people in each home group. Count from 1 to 4. Your number determines which expert group you are in. So, all of the ones will be together in expert group 1, the twos will be in expert group 2 and so on. Work in your expert group to learn about the assigned aspect of international trade. Answer the questions related to your expert group topic. After all of the expert groups have finished, return to your home group and teach to the others your topic. They will teach you theirs in turn.


Jigsaw Groups
Group number Topic & Questions Resources/Link:
Expert Group 1

Arguments for/against free trade:

What are the benefits of free trade between nations?

What are the most compelling arguments against free trade?

Is free trade always fair?

Free Trade versus Protectionism

Costs of Protectionism

Expert Group 2

Import tariff:

What is it?

What are the impacts on the economy?

How does it affect international trade?

Role of Tariffs in Free Trade

Why are tariffs Preferable to Quotas

Expert Group 3


What is it?

What are the impacts on the economy?

How does it affect international trade?

The imposition of quotas

The Why of Import Quotas

Expert Group 4

Export subsidy:

What is an export subsidy?

What are the impacts on the economy?

How does it affect international trade?

Export subsidies