Learner description: This page was created for students of Economics who need to do field research on price of a product in the area where they live.


In the Mobile Quest m-learning activity you will use your cell phone or other Web-enabled mobile device to access information on the Web to help you through your field research of prices of a product in the area where you live. This activity is designed to help you locate the different types of outlets in the area and visit their locations in order to compile an observation log of the product's price at the different locations.

There are ... parts of this activity:

  1. Do background research using Google maps to locate all shops in your area that you can purchase the product. Bookmark the locations on your Google maps application.
  2. Plan your route in a way to make it most time-effective.
  3. If your mobile device has a digital camera, take pictures of the product's price in the different locations. Alternatively, take a small notebook along with you and note down the product's prices in the different outlets.